EGR Coolers
Reduce emissions with exhaust gas re-circulation (EGR) parts.

Need a specific EGR part? Ask one of our specialist technicians for a quote.
Need a specific EGR part? Ask one of our specialist technicians for a quote.
If the check engine light comes on, or your vehicle has reduced power, poor fuel economy, or exhibits stalling, pinging or knocking you may need a replacement EGR valve or EGR cooler to keep your vehicle operating safely.
Continuing to drive with a faulty EGR cooler may result in engine damage. Timely replacement of a faulty EGR cooler not only protects the environment, it helps to ensure the longevity of your vehicle’s engine and reduces fuel consumption.
Natrad can repair or replace your faulty EGR cooler or valve. Find a Natrad store near you to protect your engine from further damage.